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The quality of service you provided was fantastic!!. I cannot believe that I placed the order on Saturday and you delivered on Wednesday!!!

As I am the Secretary of our dive club I am sure you will be getting a few more order once I have had a chance to show off the Stamp and the Log Books.
Simon, South Yorkshire

Dive-Logs win in the
regional final of the
2005 eCommerce Awards!
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Gift Certificate Designer

Designing your gift certificate could not be simpler, just enter in what you would like and click on create to see it.

How much is it for:

Guide prices:
A log pack = £6.95
A starter pack = £19.95
4 ScubaTags = £23.63
A log book stamp = £24.00

Who is it for:

Enter the recipients name.

Which email should receive it:

Enter the email name.

Enter your personal message here:

You can write upto 1000 charcters.